Improve Yourself by being YOURSELF.
The BrainStyles System® can help you discover who you are at the core, and how to use the BrainStyle™ you were born with to unlock doors to success both in business and at home. The best part - you do it just as you are. No drastic change required. Leverage the greatest asset you have - the one between your ears - in its natural state, the way it works best. Unlock your brain power and use it to complement those you work and live with every day.
Understand your natural gifts. Be your best. Get more out of life!
Become Your Most Authentic Self
People often look to personality assessments and self-help books to improve who they are instead of making the most of how they naturally operate. The BrainStyles System® will help you discover your natural, hardwired brainstyle and show you how to use your unique gifts to improve relationships, grow as a leader, build teams, and minimize stress and conflict in your life.
The BrainStyles Assessment™
Defining your brainstyle is a way to bring out your best, most authentic, and powerful self. Once you identify your brainstyle, you can leverage your natural gifts rather than struggling to change or adapt to the expectations of others.
What You'll Get:
- Your assessment summary and brainstyle description
- An in-depth, 3-part analysis of your BrainStyle strengths
- An overview of The BrainStyles System®
- Summaries, charts, and easy-to-apply comparisons of the different brainstyles in professional and relationship situations.
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What Our Clients Say
"I would strongly recommend this book to anyone who has a genuine interest in improving the performance of those around them and their teams. In my work setting, I will endeavor to apply these principles. I will first have to focus on myself, but I think that finding others' strengths and bartering with them to cover my 'non-strengths' will be beneficial to our whole team."
MBA Student
Southern Methodist University -
"When I was reading the description of my BrainStyle I had to do all I could not to burst into tears! Because, like the person described in your book, I felt that FINALLY someone knew what was going on in my 'weird' mind... I wasn't weird: I was OK, I AM OK! You have no idea what a relief it was to find at 35 that this is the case. At 35 I feel like my life is just beginning! I now feel like I don't constantly have to apologize sic for who I am. to others and myself. I feel vindicated, liberated."
Andrea Bulacios
Personal Assistant
City of Casey, Australia -
"Marlane Miller's insightfulness and interpretation of four basic right-left brain personality types is outstanding. If previously you have been confused or unsatisfied with all the other 5, 6, 7, 8 or 16-fold typologies, BrainStyles is the book for you! It is mind-enlightening, and quite personally engaging... This book is NOT a neurological guidebook nor a post-graduate thesis like other personality assessments can be... I look forward to more books from this author."
Michael Adam
Psychology Research Director
Los Angeles, CA